My Food Magazine Resolution

The trunk groans under the growing pile of magazines and cookbooks – waiting patiently for recipes to be cooked, appetites to be satisfied and my resolution to be fulfilled.

piles of magazines

An avid fan of food magazines, every time I renew a subscription I make two commitments:

  1. To have family and friends over for lunch or dinner every month
  2. To cook from each and every issue.

Magazines are devoured within days, sometimes hours of landing in the letterbox.  Favourite recipes are quickly identified and marked, then one of two things happen: mid-week meals suddenly get interesting or the magazines pile up on the trunk as distractions get in the way.

The first few months of 2015 went swimmingly, the long summer evenings conducive to bringing family and friends together. Winter arrived with a jolt.  The pile of waiting magazines suddenly grew taller.  A new cookbook and magazines from a recent overseas trip added too – heavy books, kitchen utensils and fragile homewares might not make the most practical souvenirs but they do provide fabulous stories from my foodie travel adventures.

Yes, the books and magazines could easily be relocated to a permanent abode but first those carefully selected and marked recipes need to be made.  And the decision made to share my ongoing challenge – each month I'll share a showcase of dishes made from the latest food magazines.  What recipes were loved.  Which recipes were tweaked based on ingredients on hand.  What ones will be made again and again.

So please help keep my resolution on track.  June review out Friday 3 July – feel free to remind me.

Have a fantastic weekend.
